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Find answers here to skin type questions

How to change your genetic skin type to the perfect skin type?

We do things differently at GFYS, from how we wash your skin to how we assess it, strengthen and balance it.

The first step is to understand your skin’s condition - what’s going on right now. And customise your skin regime accordingly.


People just don’t fit into one skin type regime. And skin condition changes all the time!  Hormone fluctuations, pregnancy, stress, changes in sleep patterns and diet all affect how oily or inflamed skin is.  Our system of vitamin boosters puts you in control.

When we assess your skin we look at a combination of 5 attributes.

How dry or oily it is - we can strengthen, boost hydration and down-regulate oiliness.

How resilient or susceptibilityto inflammation it is - we can strengthen, eliminate inflammation.

How evenly skin pigments - we can protect and regulate pigmentation.

How old you are + lifestyle factors - we can block ageing factors and energise skin.

Dry to oily. How can you keep your skin healthy

We all want to know how to achieve balanced skin that’s neither too dry or too oily. While there is a lot to contribute to  the health of your skin (diet, environmental factors, genetics,) there is one thing we know for sure. If you wash your skin with suds and wipes and micellar waters you are essentially washing it with detergents and emulsifiers that strip your natural oils that will lead to weak skin. And this makes skin more susceptible to skin rashes,  dehydration and skin problems.

Try cleansing your skin with Warm Up - a strengthening moisturising made with natural skin identical ingredients like ceramides, phospholipids, cholesterol, fatty acids, niacinamide and hyaluronic acid that will retain your skin’s natural strength and glow.  

It might seem counter intuitive, but oily skins and oily acne prone skin also need to keep their natural oils. Degreasing products are a no-no. You can tame oil glands that are on overdrive with B-Hit and A-hit.

Dry skins are inherently weaker.  You’ll be able to recognise if your skin is dry. It is always low in oils that are rich in linolenic and linoleic acids, has rough texture, poor light reflection and tightness. GFYS will repair and replace lost lipids with pure omega oils that are rich in this essential acids.

What’s a good skin routine for inflamed, problem skin?

The beauty of using GFYS is that your skincare routine can be so simple yet all you need. The key is in how you wash, protect and nourish your skin - with love. And adding in an extra hit of vitamins ABC to keep your skin in balance.

Use A-hit and Workout for severe acne
Use B-hit and Workout for oily shine and to reduce episodes of redness and inflammation.
Use C-hit and Workout for inflamed spots and hyper-pigmentation.
Use Reboot to unclog pores and energise dull looking coarse skin
Home roll - it stimulates healthy skin processes

Don’t throw the book at it. FYI this makes things worse.

Long-term skin problems or recently flared up?
If you’ve been on meds and done the skincare rounds your skin can be really confused. In this case, you need to go back to basics. Use only Warm Up and Workout and Rest and when skin is strong, and if you still have problems you can add a vitamin boosters. The same goes for you if you have never had a problem before and your skin has started to freak out. It will most likely be hormone related (Pregnancy, IVF, the Pill, menopause, the mirena coil, stress, even moving home/locations can cause a change).


How long will it take to work?

We’re all unique: As is the case with a regimen of any kind, some people feel a huge difference immediately, and it takes time for others. Very damaged skin or very inflamed or irritated skin may take longer to respond, and overactive oil glands may need time to re-calibrate their output. We urge you to be patient and diligent as your system adjusts to GFYS.


Many people are attracted to GFYS by the promise of an easier regime, but we suggest that more problem skins put that goal aside and use the boosters and moisturisers until skin starts to normalise.

What is best for skin that is oily and susceptible to inflammation?

You’re susceptible to acne, redness, rashes and irritation so you need to keep your skin strong, which means no dabbling with weakening products like benzoyl  peroxide and scrubs and wipes and salicylic cleansers. And you can get darkening of the skin areas that are affected by spots and inflammation. Instead your skincare needs Warm Up and extra vitamins ABC to minimise breakouts and pigmentation problems and keep skin in balance.

What is best for combination skin?

You have more oil glands in the T-zone and when these on overdrive you need to treat your skin as oily and inflamed.  Whereas if your skin changes with the seasons your barrier is dry/weaker - it doesn’t make sufficient oil when the air is drier and low in humidity so you need to treat it as dry.

What is best for skin that is dry and susceptible to inflammation?

You’re susceptible to breakouts, redness and flushing. Unfortunately your skin’s protective barrier is naturally weak so you need to avoid any harsh products, and keep to a strict daily strengthening routine with Warm Up, Workout and Rest that give the skin a 24/7 dose of essential skin oils rich in omegas, vitamins, minerals, hydrators, antioxidants to strengthen the skin. If your skin is redness-prone you will only be able to tolerate A-hit when your skin is strong and well hydrated. If it is acne-prone it may be able to tolerate it better.

What is best for skin that is oily and strong?

Rejoice, your skin is highly unlikely to suffer inflammation or spots or early ageing but your skin is so resistance that  it can be resistant to the beneficial effects of skincare ingredients due to less absorption. For this reason, resistant skin types need to use stronger products and home rollers to increase infusion. 

What is best for skin that is dry and resistant

Yippee, you will rarely suffer acne breakouts, facial redness, or skin rashes. But you need to have a consistent regime to keep skin strong, youthful and skin that pigments unevenly can have a tendency to wrinkle.

How to help uneven pigmentation?

Pigmented skin is genetically predisposed to an uneven skin tone and lifestyle factors like going out in the sun without protection, sitting near a window, going on sunbeds, cigarettes all heighten those effects. So the first step is too avoid these accelerators. The second is strengthen the skin, improve hydration and skin strength and use skin lightening A-hit B-hit and C-hit.

What changes do I need to make as I get older?

You’d be surprised just how much control you can have over how well your skin ages. Combining healthy lifestyle habits like staying out of the sun, eating fresh fruit and veg everyday, drinking water (wine in moderation), exercising and getting enough sleep with a skin strengthening regime can have a massive effect on your skin’s health and appearance.  One of the best things you can do to control early ageing is to use a home derma-roller or micro needling device.

What’s a good skincare routine for a teenager?

I have three teenagers and wholeheartedly endorse GFYS for teenage skin. It’s a time when skin-confidence is crucial.  Oils peak in adolescence and teens often see a few lumps and bumps under the skin or white and blackheads on the T-zone. The trick is not to rush out and buy every spot and degreasing, clarifying product on the shelves. Remember - degreasing weakens skin and will set you off on a path to ruin. In many cases just starting on Warm Up, B-hit and B-hit works to keep spots to a minimum. And Reboot is amazing at speeding up spot removal.

When your skin looks healthy, strong, radiant, it doesn’t need much beyond the basics (cleansing and a good antioxidant rich sunscreen.

What’s a good skincare routine in your 20s?

There’s no specific reason to boost your Warm Up Workout Rest routine in your twenties, other than if you have inflammation and you need one of our vitamin boosters. Natural antioxidants begin to decline but GFYS maintenance workout gives your skin everything it needs and works to spectacular effect and far healthier skin in the longrun. Your skin's future health has everything to do with protection and prevention and refusing to use harsh skincare products.

What’s a good skincare routine in your 30s?

GFYS is so popular with girls in their late 20s and 30s. In your twenties, you made collagen faster than it broke down. Now, topical vitamin C is important to energise fibroblasts, (the cells that make collagen) to induce them to produce more. The form of vitamin C in C-hit will not irritate and as well as energising and plumping skin t helps brighten. Our A-hit is also incredible, encouraging skin renewal, reversing any early photo damage and  B-hit glow-giving serum is standout. All GFYS products are blended in a base of pure omega rich oils, hydrators, probiotic coconut water and with added strengthening and healing ingredients to give ultra-dewy clear fit skin.

What’s a good skincare routine in your 40s?

In our 40s men and women’s hormone levels begin to fluctuate, causing a loss of collagen and slower skin repair and renewal. Now C-hit and A-hit are key. Gravity takes hold, sagging begins, and deeper wrinkles appear—different from the ones you have in your thirties.

SUPPLEMENTS & GADGETS: Your skin processes are slowing so home rolling nutrition is ever more important. They boosts skin renewal and nourishment and are the perfect GFYS companions.

What’s a good skincare routine for 50+?

Our clinical-strength super powered boosters give you maximum support. In our 50s and beyond skin becomes drier and we continue to see changes in facial volume—hollows under the eyes and at the temples, as well as jowling. Hormone levels begin to fluctuate, causing a loss of collagen and slower skin repair and renewal. Sometimes giving way to spots. Still, there is a lot we can control - healthy lifestyle factors and using the complete GFYS workout and a home roller can make your skin firm again. The results can be quite dramatic.

As we age, skin pH rises so if your skin is sluggish looking, our pH lowering AHA/BHA serum Reboot helps encourage new skin cells to the surface.

How can I improve the appearance of my large open pores?

Many of us spend a lot of time and money on products that claim to shrink pores. Pores are the openings of hair follicles that contain oil glands (also called sebaceous glands) that lie below the skin’s surface. Oil glands are more plentiful in the T-zone which is why most enlarged pore problems are concentrated around the nose, forehead and chin. The face has 400 to 800 pores per cm2 compared with 50 pores per cm2 on the arms and legs. Oily skin types are more likely to have enlarged pores.

Ways to treat large pores.

Smooth skin reflects light and help conceal the pores. Be sure to use Reboot gentle AHA skin refining serum to keep the skin glow.

Thickening the walls of the pores goes a long way toward decreasing their visibility. Formulas that strengthen the pores like A-Hit, B-Hit and C-Hit provide an intense collagen boost.

Another way to minimise the appearance of large pores is to reduce the size and output of oil glands. Retinol in Rest and A-Hit and Niacinamide in B-hit trigger the skin to produce less oil. Retinol also helps prevent the build-up of dead skin cells and oil inside the hair follicle that leads to dilation of the pores in the first place.  

Find answers here to product related questions

How does GFYS differ from other systems?

There are several distinctions that are important to understand when comparing GFYS to other regimes. We don’t have regimes specific to dry, oily, ageing, sensitive, pigmented skin because skin is not one dimensional. We have a core maintenance kit that gives skin everything it needs to stay fit, healthy and calm and a set of multi-tasking booster serums that can address every skin problem - excess oil, spots, early ageing, uneven pigment. 

The comparison to foaming face wash is easy: face wash has detergent, which foams, and over-cleans your skin. This is at the most cleansing, degreasing end of the cleansing spectrum.

At the balm/oil extreme of the cleansing continuum, you have oil based cleansers. These not only lack detergents (tick), but they lack any natural moisturising factors and can leave an oily film on the skin so require suds to remove that.  

Warm Up exists in the middle of the cleansing : conditioning continuum. It has cleansing molecules that clean, but are not detergents. When you rinse, Warm Up only pulls away things that are loosely attached to your skin. This includes excess oil,  makeup, pollution, product residue but it isn’t strong enough to remove your body’s natural protective oil barrier and it leaves skin identical oils on the skin.

The bottom line is that Warm Up really is quite different cleanser, and our customers can feel safe and confident that it will do its job (purifying the skin) without weakening your skin - creating problems.

Our day and night creams and booster serums are multi-tasking and in a base that’s identical to your skin so they strengthen, calm, balance and nourish all at the same time. Every ingredient is included at clinical strength. The booster have high dose actives to help skins that are problematic.

Will I need anything other than GFYS?

When you use GFYS, you can say goodbye to all those scrubs, wipes, toners, cleansing solutions and skin type regimes cluttering your bathroom cabinet - for good! Think of it this way: if your cleanser doesn’t cause weak skin in the first place like detergents do and since Warm Up conditions and strengthens while it cleanses, most people only need to use Workout and Rest. But for those with extreme inflammation, our booster serums come into their own.

We treat your skin condition so you will however need an SPF that you can top up regularly throughout the day. (We’re working on one) Workout gives you base level protection from UV burning and high level UV ageing protection, and support against visible light and infrared. Vitamin A in A-hit also gives skin UV protection. But for day-long UVB SPF protection we think mineral make-up is the best because no-one can remove their make up and reapply their SPF primer base every two hours. If you don’t wear make-up you can reapply Workout and if you are in strong sunlight you’ll need a higher SPF 15+ to prevent burning.

You also might want to use a mask once a week or a draining eye cream if you have bags under your eyes. You can use ABC up to the eye area and roll under the eyes though. And taking a nutraceutical supplement rich in vitamins ABCD, EFA’s (omegas) makes lots of sense. Accumax used with great skincare has a great reputation for resolving problem acne skins.

Can I get a sample?

We do offer samples, but please note that it’s going to take more than day or two for the benefits of GFYS to become apparent. Some people experience a transition period from a few days to several weeks as their systems adjust, and a sample does not provide enough to fully experience the GFYS strengthening magic.

Who is Workout best for?

Everyone can use a Workout, but most fans are oilier skins who don’t like the feeling of oiliness. Workout infuses into the skin. It’s rich in all the essential oils, vitamins and super-antioxidants and UV protection but people who like more of a wet feeling can add in a booster or use Workout as a hard-working primer.

Who is Rest best for?

Rest is ideal for people who don’t want to spend hours over their night routine. It gives skin extra moisture, mild retinol support, repairs, renews and energises skin. You can save yourself a lot of time and money with Rest.

Is A-hit just for ageing and acne?

Not by a long shot!  Vitamin A is an essential part of healthy skin function and the only ingredient capable of reversing photo-ageing.  It is amazing on spots, coarse skin, menopausal skin, sluggish skin, softening wrinkles, reducing broken capillaries and provides UV defence.

How does C-hit differ to other vitamin C serums?

C-hit is beneficial for all skin types as your skin can’t store vitamin C so a daily top up is necessary. We have vit C in our Warm Up and Workout but you’ll love C-hit if you want to plump and lighten up skin because it’s full clinical-strength. It’s a highly stable form of vitamin C (Many oxidise in the bottle because it’s a tricky ingredient meaning it loses its powers before it gets to your skin). It’s the go to serum if you have pigment concerns or your skin is showing signs of wrinkling. But it does more than that, it’s brilliant for controlling inflamed acne and acne bacteria when used consistently for 8 weeks.

Who is B-hit for?

B-hit is for most people to protect vulnerable skin from inflammation and it boosts strength naturally. It’s a powerful support for skin immunity to UV light, will even out excess oil and deliver an ultra-dewy complexion.

Who is Reboot for?

Reboot is a handbag essential for spots. It’s for anyone who wants to unclog their pores and reduce their appearance. It’s also brilliant (literally) for anyone wanting to improve their skin texture and sluggish skin. It’s a powerful AHA BHA combo so it’s not for the faint hearted. Dry skin susceptible to reddening may not be able to tolerate Reboot. We usually recommend to use 2 times a week but if your skin is strong and sluggish you may find this your perfect daily serum.

How do I know if my skin is in transition or if GFYS is not working for me?

This is a tricky question to answer only because we are all unique and there is nuance to how quickly your skin will respond.

Generally speaking, we would consider someone still 'in transition' if their skin is going through change (whether this is a good or bad change). What we are looking for is change which shows the formulas are having an impact on your skin processes. The only case where we would suggest you stop is if you have an allergic response to GFYS.

Some of our customers might take 12 months to reach their perfect skin but that isn't the case for most people who see their skin improve within a few weeks.. Being successfully through the transition means keeping to your regime - then you will get skin strong, reduce bouts of inflammation (if any at all), and your skin will look and feel fit and healthy.

Does everyone have a transition period?

Definitely not. The truth is some do, some don't and the degree of how difficult a transition is also varies dramatically.

It depends on so many factors, like how unbalanced your skin is and what lifestyle factors are happening to your right now. Your skin has a long-term memory too so if it’s had a lot of trial and error it may not like another change to begin with.  

Generally speaking, if you have very dry, inflamed, troubled skin you’ll need to take things super slowly.

For some customers it is love after one wash, or a few days on a booster serum and for some (sorry to say!) it can sometimes take multiple weeks.

For those with a longer, harder transition we strongly recommend considering a nutraceutical too. Skincare is an outside in strategy and nutraceuticals are an inside out approach. We tend to find high grade acne and rosacea clients improve faster.

How to manage while your skin transitions?

For some, transitioning from traditional cleanse, tone, scrub, wipe routines to Warm Up is a breeze with no looking back.

But for some, people who start with just one serum and continue with their old cleansing products they are unlikely to see a change. (Adding a serum to a weak skin is like putting in a new kitchen with a leaky roof!) As a minimum we recommend switching to Warm Up and plus a booster serum. (but we have stories of success with just one product)

The road to optimal skin may have a few bumps and turns, and it requires some time and patience – usually the biggest changes are in the first 12 weeks. Your skin renews approximately every 28-50 days.

Here is how most new users find their way to gorgeous healthy skin:

First, be sure that you are using Warm Up and none of our black list products.
Second, understand your skin. How oily is it or dry is it, how inflamed it is ? And choose the appropriate booster serums and moisturiser.
Now, be patient and don’t stress. Skin responds to stress with a hormone surge which can throw your skin off balance.
Wash your face after shampooing as these products can irritate skin.
Use a roller for maximum serum penetration.

Many people are attracted to GFYS by the idea of fewer pots, but for starters, with a troubled skin, put that goal aside and use the full power of the serums to balance skin. You can then reduce to the maintenance and add the vitamin boosters only when you need.

Many have found an email or chat with us helps.

Find answers for general product questions

Where are GFYS products made?

Our products are made in the UK.

Can I buy GFYS products in person at a salon or clinic?

The complete GFYS product line is available on, and through QVC.

If you would like to find a local skin specialist to either purchase product from or for services, please submit a request here.

Are GFYS products vegan?

GFYS is vegan friendly, halal and kosher friendly too. Ingredients are free from any animal-derived ingredients, so no honey, beeswax, animal collagen and lipids. And no alcohol.

Are products tested on animals?

Testing on animals has been off limits in the EU for nearly 15 years (thank goodness). Since March 2013, it has also been illegal to sell cosmetics products that have been newly tested on animals or contain ingredients that have been.

We promise (cross our heart) that all our products are 100 per cent cruelty-free. Not tested on animals at any stage of supply, production and retail. Our products are not sold in China, where imported products must be tested on animals before entering the market (did you even know that?)


As a clean skincare range, why do you use phenoxyethanol?

Take natural oils, pharmaceutical actives, botanicals and water and you have an incredibly hospitable breeding ground for bacteria and fungi (eeek!) that are dangerous to health. Effective, healthy skincare formulations need to be safe. No bacteria. Stable ingredients that do what they promise. Whacking bacteria on its head is essential. Phenoxyethanol is found naturally in green tea but the commercial ingredient, that's synthetically produced, is especially effective and safe in tiny concentrations. It’s the preservative used in intravenous hospital drips. And the Soil Association permits its use in organic products.


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