Oily shine kit - Extraordinary Degreasing - Reduces Shine, Large Pores, Breakouts Without Stripping Skin

When you can't stop the oil from coming...start rebalancing. People tend to give oiliness a bad rep (Go easy on it - in later years you'll be thankful for an oily skin type).
It's only natural to want to degrease but 'drying out' the skin with face washes, wipes and scrubs keeps the oily cycle going. Fuels it even. We take a counter approach. Instead of over-washing, our rebalancing regime effortlessly controls oil and helps to purify, balance, reduce inflammation and excessive shine but does it without making skin weak. Say hello to healthy clear skin.
Your Oily Shine kit includes:
Warm Up Conditioning Cream Cleanser 100ml or 15ml
Workout Day Nutrition and Defence Natural Moisturiser 50ml or 15ml
Reboot Skin Reviver Booster Serum 30ml or 15ml
B-Hit booster serum 30ml or 15ml
Rest overnight recovery moisturiser 50ml or 15ml