Your skin's healthy qualities:
Oily + Even tone + Resilient
Your skin's barriers:
Scroll down to know how to reverse these and get and keep your skin into its best shape.
Your skin type is susceptible to rosacea. You experience breakouts, redness or rashes and irritation. And this can be made worse with stress so it's important to exercise, relax, sleep well and avoid stressful situations. Avoid anything that causes friction, like scrubs or facial brushes and choose retinol rather than AHAs to combat your inflammation. Don't give your skin too much flack because your skin type ages really well. Keep up with sunscreen and antioxidants and you'll save a fortune in anti-ageing treatments! Btw zinc oxide is the best UV protection for you because it is anti-inflammatory.
Helping you build confidence in your skin is what we’re all about.
If you would like a little more personal guidance, please book a 30 minute 1:1 skin coaching session.
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