If you are a customer located in the EU and you are not 100% satisfied with the items you have received from us, you have the right to decide that you do not want to keep the goods within 14 days of them being delivered to you.
Once the warehouse has received the returned products and we have checked that the returned products are in their original condition, you will receive an e-mail that the returned products have been accepted and a refund will be processed within 30 days. Original condition means that there are no scratches or marks on the product and the product has not been opened, used or damaged or otherwise diminished. If you have just changed your mind about the product your refund may be subject to deductions.
You are responsible in case of loss or damage to the merchandise during transport in accordance with our returns instructions. We recommend that you use a tracked and signed for delivery service with insurance.
Please note that you have rights to return goods which are faulty or which are not as described on our website. These terms are described in detail in our Terms and Conditions of Sale