The best place to be. It’s fun: a whole world ahead of discovery, exploration, and rights of passage. You’ve no preconceptions, no mishaps and no baggage. You’ll benefit from your fresh perspective and all the mistakes others have made before you. Don’t underestimate your value or importance to the skincare industry. Enjoy being green - you’ll be an old hat at it soon. And lucky for you, you might have just side-stepped the period in time of skincare overkill.
So skincare is outside your normal wheelhouse. A good place to begin is by always listening to your skin. #skinissaying. Hands down it beats what others tell you to do or use. Why? Because skin is pretty darn cool without us. Left to its own devices skin is keeps you protected from the sun, environment, the cold or heat. It makes vitamin D, patches itself up when it takes a knock. Pretty marvellous. It tells you when it’s happy. It tells you when it's not. It’s your job (or with the help of a skin coach) to work out why when it’s not. Is it down to your genetics, age, health, hormones, the weather or things within your control like your diet, stress levels, lifestyle. One rule to always hold dear is to know that strength solves. Drier skin types have a harder time keeping skin strong, oilier types often weaken skin by stripping it of its strengthening oils. You don’t need a big routine, just something that keeps skin pure, healthy and ingredients that bring it back to balance.
The simple, active daily workout for your skin..
Helping you build confidence in your skin is what we’re all about.
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